If you read the title in your best Zoolander voice, it is way way funny. Right? Right.
Truth be told, I have spent the last 48 hours highly caffeinated, super tired, and deliriously happy. Lack of sleep due to good news and exciting plans! My little baby sister (Sarah) is engaged to be married! I am so excited for her and her future husband and their sweet future together. He's lucky we love him, too! (hey, Rob!)
Today, my alma mater, THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS, plays St. Mary's at like 1:45pm! I forget how cray cray March madness can be! The whole town is cooking up excuses to leave work early as we speak. #gotigersgo
Despite my own personal wishes, I left the house this morning without my tiger blue. I guess I'm distracted by the fact that its supposed to get FREEZING tonight with a chance of snow.
Hey springtime, no body likes a tease.
Be sure to enter the
group giveaway I am in with a bunch of lovely ladies.
You could win up to $330 in assorted gift cards to Etsy, Amazon, Target and Paypal! Sha-na-na! Do iiiiit. I hope to feel more like myself tomorrow after I get some much needed sleep and stop pinning wedding items. Yeah, right.