December 18, 2013

One Week

Only a mere week until Christmas Day!  People are crazy year round, but give them a national deadline of when to get shopping done for every person they have ever met, and you will really see them shine.
The part I am having the most trouble dealing with is not using all of those glorious promo codes arriving every 15 minutes in my inbox on gifts for myself.  I still have a few shopping items to pick up and stocking stuffers to grab this weekend! Do you still have a shopping agenda or are you the girl with the fully stocked tree skirt?  I'm actually taking a lot of pride in my wrapping art this year.  Blame Pinterest, blame Martha Stewart (she is a walking Pinterest board) but I spent an absurd amount of time with twine and fresh evergreen pieces on the items I wrapped in black wrapping paper and decorated with a chalkboard marker.  Tis the season!  I can almost taste the weekend, folks! 
And then it is go time...
Move outta my way, I've had a quad latte and I'm ready to buy all the things! 

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