March 24, 2011

awkward lessons

Today, I will give you tips on how to stand unbelievably awkward in your pictures.*

1. Use a neon green point and shoot camera on a tripod, with a self-timer.
2. Set it for 10 seconds.  Change positions and leg poses AT LEAST 5 times in that ten seconds.
It is really hard to pick which awkward pose you want, I know, but just think of all of the bloopers
you will get when you move at the exact time the picture is taken.
3.  Out of those five poses, make sure you always have your hands up, holding something.
Because nothing is more awkward than: "I don't know what to do with my hands."
4.  Gesture awkwardly towards an inanimate object.  I suggest a pile of tree branches, but really- 
be creative in your awkwardness.
5.  When in doubt, squint your eyes, smile big and flex your calf muscles- cause it's 100% awkward.
6. Lastly, be sure to cut your shoes out completely. IN EVERY PICTURE!
But only if you're in a hurry.

So there you go, chickens.
Go out there and make mama chicken proud!
 there's always something awkward going on...
free compliments
dress: target
sweater: gap
belt: ross
shoes: target
necklace: dots

*DISCLAIMER:  the owner  of this blog does not take any liability in the supreme waste of time reading this post may cause.  Follow these steps at your own risk.


  1. Ha ha, so funny! I think we follow the same rules...some pictures come out SO awkward! In most of them I have vampire eyes! Lol! Thank goodness for photo editor :)

  2. for those of us who are self-photographing...i think this is a universal problem!! i seriously take TONS of pics and luckily come out with a few less awkward ones. a fellow blogger had tweeted about these compliments...i think it's such a fun idea!

  3. i love your "awkward" poses! I do them too... on a daily basis. But, I don't use a tripod or a remote. My husband takes pictures of me and never tells me when he's actually snapping them, so most of the pics come out with my eyes closed, half-closed, or totally blurry. It's a daily ordeal.

  4. oh I am going to have to practices these poses ASAP especially the flexing your muscles, does your butt muscle count?

    You look lovely love the bun.
    Write it in Lipstick

  5. I love this. You crack me up. I have all those awkward moments taking outfit photos. I'm always at a loss with what the hell to do with my hands. LOL. I love your disclaimer at the bottom. It was entertaining, no worries!

  6. i need someone like you to be my fashion bff

  7. You are so stinkin' funny! I laughed out loud through this whole post!

    P.S. So excited for our sisterhood of the traveling CDs ;) haha!

    <3 The Daily Dani

  8. I love your adorable poses! And I especially love that adorable outfit SO cute, stripes + belt = total outfit love. xx veronika

  9. you are the best. and is it weird that i don't find that last picture THAT awkward? lol

  10. Alright, when are we having a blog crossover where you take me shopping and then we do a photo shoot? It needs to happen.

  11. This is absolutely adorable!! I feel like I make so many awkward poses all the time. I will have to make a post like this doing all of these steps!! At least you look great doing it.

  12. Hi. I'm a stylist in LA and I'm totally obsessed with your blog. I'd love if you visited my new blog for multiple posts a day on all things fashion. I just moved to California after graduating back in south with a degree in visual merchandiser. In attempt to get my heel in the door, I've launched a site all about celebrity fashion and the trends that create it. Check out what Vanessa Hudgens was wearing when I ran into her last week and Olivia P's breaking news. I'd love the support. I'm following you, I hope you'll do the same. Thanks so much.

    And don't forget to follow on Twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news, from an LA stylist.

  13. for those of us who are self-photographing...i think this is a universal problem!! i seriously take TONS of pics and luckily come out with a few less awkward ones. a fellow blogger had tweeted about these compliments...i think it's such a fun idea!

  14. I swear I don't need akward lessons, you should see my pictures, basically everything I take is akward looking, haah!! Funny though.



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