February 5, 2012

super bowl outfit + GO GIANTS GO!

Football lover or not, you cannot deny the power and fun of a party with food, new commercials, and possibly a scandalous half time show!  It just so happens that the Giants (or more specifically the Mannings) are a favorite team in my house.

Last year, I picked a team based solely on their colors.
Good thing I had plenty of red and blue for supporting the Giants.

Down... set... rotel dip & boys on TV with tight pants!
Have a merry super bowl day!


  1. Your logic behind this outfit is awesome. (oh, and it looks good too!!)
    I don't have a clue who I'm rooting for, though I have plenty of colors to root for both!

  2. you are toooo cute,bekah! love those pants!

  3. Hope you finally picked a team (the right team!!) :)
    Thanks, Hannah!

  4. Thanks, Laura! I do get quite excited for any kind of themed party, but especially one with a good color scheme to work with! :)

  5. hellz to the yes...hooray giants!! i usually go for the underdogs, but my son was named with Eli in mind :)



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